Evaluation of Changes on Maxillo-Facial Skeleton of Class II Patients with Deep Bite Treated with Anterior Bite Plane as a Functional Appliance
Background: Class II division 1 malocclusion can be produced by protrusion of upper anterior teeth with normal maxillary basis relationship, that can be as a result of mandibular deficiency with normal dental position or posterior rotation of the mandible due to the excessive vertical growth of the maxilla. Deep bite usually associated with class II malocclusion, in which the mandibular incisor crowns are excessively overlapped vertically by the maxillary incisors where the teeth are in centric occlusion, which can be seen in children as well as in adults. So that for the successful treatment of Class II/ 1 required controlling the deep bite before starting the virtual treatment of this malocclusion to get better retention.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological changes in maxillary and mandibular bones relationship after using the anterior bite plane appliance.
Material and Methods: Evaluative analysis of cephalograms by superimposing two lateral cephalograms before and after the treatment of 27 patients (12 girls and 15 boys) class II division 1 malocclusion with mean age 11.7 years old. They treated by utilization of anterior bite plane while the period of fixed orthodontic therapy. Cephalometric data were analyzed with the following methods: Delaire, Danguy and classical and the morphological changes were evaluated.
Results: The results of superposition of every patient before and after treatment showed a significant (P<0.05) reduction of deep bite and the facial convexity reduced in an average of 2.49°, anterior-posterior discrepancy reduced also very significantly (P=0.001), with a mean value of 1.81° and increasing in total mandibular length with a mean value of 2.95 mm. The decrease of the overbite can be due especially to the mandibular rotation and also supra-eruption of posterior teeth. Change in the mandibular length and the maxillary position improved facial profile but did not correct it completely as the mandible moved forward and also downward due to vertical and horizontal ramus growth and condylar remodeling.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the use of an anterior bite plane in conjunction with a straight wire and edgewise orthodontic techniques improved the overbite. Further research is recommended to support the result.
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