Evaluation of Remaining Cementum Thickness Following the Use of Hand and Ultrasonic Curettes of Periodontally Diseased Root Surface - An in-vitro Study
Cementum Loss, Curettage, Hand Curette, Stereomicroscopic Analysis, Ultrasonic CuretteAbstract
Background: Scaling and root planing are the most predictable treatment outcomes for periodontal disease. However root planing with hand curettes removes excess of cementum as compared to ultrasonic curettes. Hence the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of remaining cementum thickness following the use of ultrasonic and hand curettes.
Aim: To evaluate the remaining cemental thickness following the use of hand and ultrasonic curettes on periodontally diseased root surface using a stereomicroscope.
Materials and Methods: Thirty single rooted teeth were extracted due to advanced periodontitis and were randomly divided into two groups: Group 1 (SRP with hand curettes) and Group 2 (SRP with ultrasonic curettes). The proximal surfaces of the teeth (mesial and distal) were subjected to root planning. one surface served as a test site where instrumentation was done and no instrumentation was done on the other surface (control site). Following instrumentation, midroot region of instrumented specimen was cross-sectioned and prepared for stereomicroscopic study. The data gathered from stereomicroscopic study was subjected to statistical analysis by Mann Whitney test.
Results: The results of our study showed that in both the groups, the mean cemental thickness in scaled group was significantly lower than unscaled group. Clinically, teeth treated with the ultrasonic scaler showed less tooth substance removal than hand curettes but the difference between the two groups were statistically non-significant.
Conclusion: Both the therapies i.e. SRP with hand curettes and ultrasonic curettes seemed to be effective in the removal of diseased cementum.
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