Pharmaceutical Study of Rajarasayana
Rajarasayana, Peenasa, AmalakiAbstract
Now a days due to increased demand of Ayurvedic preparations and increased global response towards Ayurvedic system of medicine, the production of standard, effective, genuine, safe drugs in required quantity and utmost quality is a challenge for processing units of Ayurvedic drugs. So the need of the hour is to do research in Ayurvedic drugs for the large quantity production with high standard quality.Rajarasayana is one of the Avaleha kalpana mentioned in Vangasena samhitha in the Nasarogadhikara.Dashamoola ,chitraka,Guduchi ,Amalaki ,Guda(Jaggery) and other ingredients.This formulation is best rasayana for Peenasa.
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Ibid,44th chapter,71st verse 175pp
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