Anti-diabetic Plants used in Sudanese Folk Medicine and their Phytochemical Constituents: A Review
Ethno Pharmacology,, Phytochemical Screening,, Hypoglycemic, Medicinal PlantsAbstract
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease that affected 451 million people worldwide on 2017. According to W.HO. The global health care expenditure on diabetic people was estimated to be 850 billion $ on 2017. Many medicinal plants have proven to be a good alternative to chemical medications. In this work 24 medicinal plants from different families used traditionally in Sudanese folk medicine for treatment of diabetes are reviewed based on scientific evidence. Their taxonomy, part used, life form, sources of collection, distribution, phytochemical screening and pharmacological activities have been identified. It is reported that the most abundant plant families were found to be Caesalpiniaceae, followed by Asteraceae and Euphorbiaceae and then Anacardiaceae. 45 % were found to be herbs and 63 % of them were wild not cultivated. Phytochemical components of these plants were reviewed. Their anti-diabetic activities were reported in alloxinized and streptozotocin diabetic rats and in normoglycemic ones. LD50 of these plants was determined. Medicinal plants in this review article showed a confirmed anti-diabetic activity and have been assessed for their safety which proposes them as herbal medications for treatment of diabetes.
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