Clinical Management of Oligogalactia with Unani Formulation
Oligogalactia, Breastfeeding, Qillat-e-Laban, LactationAbstract
Qillat-e-laban, a condition characterised by insufficient milk production in lactating mothers, occurs when the amount of milk is too scanty to meet the needs of the infant. In India, the prevalence of oligogalactia ranges from 45.0% to 53.6%, and this issue is currently on the rise, raising concerns in public health. The early cessation of breastfeeding and the introduction of breast milk substitutes pose a significant risk of morbidity and mortality among infants. While certain medications, such as metoclopramide and domperidone, can boost lactation by increasing prolactin levels, they are not frequently recommended due to limited effectiveness and significant safety concerns. Literature suggests that these medications should not be regularly used to enhance lactation, as the suckling infant may experience side effects like loose motions, dystonia, and myoclonus. The Unani system of medicine asserts the presence of various drugs that can address the issue of scanty milk
production without causing adverse effects on both the mother and child.
How to cite this article:
Ansari Y, Raheem A, Nazli T, Ahmad F, Chishti K D. Clinical Management of Oligogalactia with
Unani Formulation. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo. 2023;10(3&4): 11-15.
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