Clinical Significance and Research-oriented Approach of Dhatu Sarata (Tissue Excellence)
Dhatu sara, Sara pariksha, Tissue excellence, Saptadhatu, AyurvedaAbstract
These Ayurveda specialities - dosha, dhatu, mala, agni (digestive fire), prakriti (human constitution), and dhatu sarata (tissue excellence) - form the basis for Ayurveda diagnosis, therapy, and research. Acharya Charak stated, “bala mana vishesh gyaanartham updishyate,” which means that dhatu sara assesses an individual’s level of strength. The purest form of dhatus, sara, must be in its ideal state (Prakrit avastha) and not influenced by any dosha in order to exhibit these traits. When dhatvagni and bhutagni are in their optimum state, the formation of samadhatus takes place and when these dhatus are in their excellent state, it is called sara of that particular dhatu. Rasayana chikitsa, which helps to achieve excellent attributes of rasadi dhatus, or body cells and tissues, can be prescribed for enhancing an individual’s sarata. Dhatu sarata (tissue excellence) related literature was gathered from several Ayurvedic compendia as well as current literature. Recent research articles were also looked up from different database search engines. After exploring the literature relevant to the analysis and reporting of dhatu sarata, it was found that there hasn’t been much study done in this field. To analyse these factors for better diagnosis and understanding of the concept and to record dhatu sarata at the OPD level, a feasible, standardised tool must be designed. As multiple factors including age, season, digestion, and physical strength, affect an individual’s sarata, this review article primarily focuses on the idea of dhatu sarata and
its utility in the field of research and treatment.
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