A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study of Relation of Hemoglobin Count and Mizaj in Young Adults
Mizaj, Saudavi, Damvi, Balghami, Safravi, Tempero, Temperament and Sahli’s HaemoglobinoterAbstract
Introduction: In Unani medicine, mizaj is an area of extensive research. Mizaj’s theory is based on the four humor hypo thesis from antiquity. Buqrat, a Greek physician (Hippocrates, 460–370 BC), was the one who organized and developed it. Blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm, he thought, are responsible for some human emotions, feelings, and actions. It is therefore important to understand how it relates to functions of the body, which may be influenced by individual mizaj
(body type). A diagnostic tool that is suitable for each body type can be selected using this information. Research in this field is limited and conflicting, so young and healthy people were selected for the study. This can be considered a decisive advantage in selecting an appropriate diagnostic tool for treatment in clinical practice if it can be linked to hemoglobin count, which may be affected by individual mizaj (body type). As research in this area is very scarce and inconclusive,
participants of young age and clinically healthy have been chosen for the study.
Objective: The present study is to find out the nature of mizaj (body type) with hemoglobin count.
Methodology: Using simple random sampling in Delhi (India) Sixty (60) college students from Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College and Hospital, Karol Bagh were selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria and asked to complete the Mizaj questionnaire followed by checking of hemoglobin count of each participant face to face under supervision. SPSS statistics software 22.0 was used to establish a database for statistical description. The One-way ANOVA test in SPSS was used to analyze the differences between the groups. P < 0.05 suggested that the difference was statistically significant.
Results: Based on the results it is found that hemoglobin count is highest in people having Damvi Mizaj and lowest in balghami which is in concordance with the experimental hypothesis of this research work.
Conclusion: From this study, it is clear that a possible correlation between haemoglobin count and Mizaj certainly does exist. After that, clotting time could be considered one of the diagnostic indices of temperament.
How to cite this article:
Hashmi I, Jamal Y. A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study of Relation of Hemoglobin Count and Mizaj in Young Adults. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo. 2022;9(1&2): 10-15.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2394.6547.202203
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