Analytical Review of Aschottana Procedure w.r.t. Ophthalmic Drug Delivery
Aschottana is one of the specialty procedure among kriyakalpas in which the herbal medications in the form of liquid are instilled into the conjunctival sac, drop by drop at a distance of 2 angulas is called as Aschottana. Ocular drugs are usually delivered locally to the eye. Required drug loading, release rate, and ocular retention time of drug delivery systems depend on the potency, bioavailability, and clearance of the drug at the target site. The concept of Aschottana is explained in different eye diseases with different combinations of herbs and minerals.This can be used in preventive and therapeutic conditions. Many herbal Aschottana preperations have also been introduced for ocular drug delivery. These novel formulations may help to surpass ocular barriers. Also, these novel devices and/or formulations possess high precorneal residence time, sustain the drug release, and enhance ocular bioavailability of therapeutics.
How to cite this article:
Shivanand G, Dole RG. Analytical Review of Aschottana Procedure w.r.t. Ophthalmic Drug Delivery. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo. 2022;9(1&2): 1-4.
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