Antimicrobial Potency of Ayurveda Principle based HSP Mixture for Gargling, Steam Inhalation, and Nebulisation in Prevention and Early Management of SARS-COV-2 Disease
Introduction: The SARS-COV-2 disease has become the strongest among all the deadly respiratory diseases in taking the lives of lakhs of humans. The current study adopts the Ayurvedic principle of Samprapti Vighatana i.e. arresting the pathogenesis, through the usage of a novel selfformulated medicine powder named Haridradi Steam Powder (HSP)
which is an anti-microbial decoction used for gargling, steam inhalation therapy, and nebulisation in the prevention of SARS-COV-2 disease by reducing the viral load in patients.
Methodology: Haridradi Steam Powder (HSP) containing decoction for gargling, steam, and nebulisation by adding 3% normal saline were prepared and given to the -participants as per self-made protocol i.e. gargling was advised for primary contacts, asymptomatic patients, and healthy persons as a preventive tool. High-pressure steam inhalation
was advised for mild to moderate symptomatic patients and 3% normal saline nebulisation was advised for moderate symptomatic patients.
Results: Out of the total of 30 cases, comprising 22 primary contacts, 3 HRCT atypical viral pneumonia with severity score from 8 to 16, 3 RTPCR positive patients, and 2 RT-PCR positive patients with HRCT score, a marked improvement was seen in more than 20 subjects within a short span of time.
Conclusion: The treatment formulation HSP Mixture is found to be effective yet simple, safe, and cost-effective, and is used in different therapies in the prevention and management of early SARS-COV-2 disease.
How to cite this article:
Raj CDR. Antimicrobial Potency of Ayurveda Principle based HSP Mixture for Gargling, Steam Inhalation, and Nebulisation in Prevention and Early Management of SARS-COV-2 Disease. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo. 2021; 8(1&2): 10-13.
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