Role of 5% Tankana bhasma in Gomutra Arka as a Chemical Debridement agent in the Management of Pressure Ulcer - A Case Report
Background and Objective: Pressure ulcers regarded as preventable but occur in approximately 5% of all hospitalized patients (range of 3% to 12 % in published literature). It is more common in paraplegic patients. Only after the complete debridement of slough in grade 3 and grade 4 pressure sores the healing progresses and the infection can be controlled. A chemical solution of 5%Tankana in Gomutra Arka was reviewed in the management of a case of pressure ulcer.
Presentation of Case: A 26 year old male hemiplegic patient presented with a wound in the sacral region which was diagnosed as a Grade 4 pressure ulcer measuring 12x13 cm. Manual Debridement of ulcer was associated with bleeding.
Methodology: There after the solution of 5% Tankana in Gomutra Arka was applied upon the wound by soaking a gauge with the above solution. A regular passive movement of the lower part of the body was done to prevent further development of new Ulcer.
Result: After 3 days of dressing 90 % or slough was reduced, discharge from the ulcer reduced and progression of infection had stopped.
Discussion: Pressure ulcers impose an economic burden on the patient and common problem amongst bed ridden patients. Grade 4 pressure ulcers have a poor prognosis. Manual slough removal is usually associated with bleeding. Chemical debridement not only helps us in avoiding instances of bleeding but also is more effective in its reach and action.
Conclusion: In this case 5% Tankana bhasma in Gomutra Arka was found to be very effective in slough removal which in turn reduced the total duration of management. Use of Chemical debriding agents in a grade 4 ulcer had hastened the process of slough removal and improves the overall rate of recovery. Mixture of Tankana and Gomutra Arka seemed to complement each other’s action on Vrana Shodhana.
How to cite this article:
Kumar BK, Sweta KM. Role of 5% Tankana bhasma in Gomutra Arka as a Chemical Debridement agent in the Management of Pressure Ulcer - A Case Report. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo.2021;8(1&2):1-4.
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