Invigorating Immunity through Unani Medicine: A Viewpoint
Immunity can be defined as the ability of the body to neutralize and eliminate the pathogenic micro-organism and their toxic products; thus providing protection to the individual. Immunosuppressive power improves the immune sensibility in opposition to microorganisms. Therapeutic herbs have been used practically in all cultures for boost up of the immune system. Unani Medicine (Tibb) is a medical system that deals with the management of health and disease. It provides preventive, protective, remedial, and rehabilitative healthcare with all-inclusive approach. Unani Medicine believes that Medicatrix Naturae (Tabiyat Mudabbira’-i-Badan) is the absolute strength, which manages all the physiological tasks of the body, provides resistance in opposition to many disoders and assists in healing in a natural manner. It is said that the real physician is the Tabi’at and the task of the physician is only to help it. The use of immunomodulatory drugs, besides others, is the unique feature of Unani Medicine which plays an important role in modulating the body immunity and improving overall quality of life. In the present review paper, we describe the concepts of immunity both in Unani system of medicine and modern and all the measures, particularly immunomodulatory herbs which provide strength to the immune system and, thus, revitalize the resistance power to fight off infections.
How to cite this article:
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