Shweta Pradara - A Localised Symptom of the Female Reproductive System or a Systemic Disease? - A Review
Shweta pradara is a pathological condition that is characterised by a localised symptom that is whitish discharge from the vaginal canal. The following are three criteria of leucorrhoea. 1) Excess secretion is evident from persistent vulvar moistness or staining of the undergarments or need to wear a vulvar pad, 2) It is non-purulent and non-offensive, 3) It is non-irritant and never causes pruritis, treatment of which includes to improvise the general health condition along with other specific management. Shweta pradara closely resembles leucorrhoea but does not completely fulfil the criteria. It has been explained mainly as a symptom in many diseases related to stree roga as well as prasuti tantra. Treatment options involve oral medications along with other lines of treatment like basti, lepa, varti, prakshalana and pichu. This indicates that the condition is more than just local. Very less has been explored about the systemic involvement in Shweta pradara which can be attempted to be established as the systemic disease as the acharyas have mentioned a separate classical treatment in order to combat the ailment, else can be understood as an important symptom of an underlying cause so as to attain symptomatic relief. Interpretation of Shweta pradara as a disease has been dealt in the article.
How to cite this article:
Urvija, Samuel S. Shweta Pradara - A Localised Symptom of the Female Reproductive System or a Systemic Disease? - A Review. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo 2020; 7(3&4): 31-36.
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