Efficacy of Shadbindu Ghrita Nasya (Nasal Medication) in Vataja Pratishyaya/Allergic Rhinitis: A Case Study
Vataja Pratishyaya, Allergic Rhinitis, Shadbindu GhritaAbstract
Background: Vataja pratishyaya is a disease affecting the nasal cavity. The clinical features of vataja pratishyaya include anaddha nasa (nasal obstruction), pihita nasa (stuffy nose), tanusarava (thin, watery discharge), bhrisha kshava (excessive sneezing), shirovyatha (headache), swarpopaghata (change of voice) and chirapaka (chronic perpetuation). Due to the similarity in symptomatology, the disease is compared to allergic rhinitis in modern parlance. Sushruta mentions snehana type of navana nasya to treat vataja pratishyaya/allergic rhinitis and emphasises the importance of optimal dose measured as per magadga mana to treat these conditions. In this paper, a case of vataja pratishyaya/allergic rhinitis and its management with shadbindu ghrita nasya with a textual dose of 12 ml to each nostril is discussed.
Methods: The patient suffering from vataja pratishyaya/allergic rhinitis was treated with 2 courses of Shadbindu ghrita nasya, each course consisting of one sitting per day for 7 days. In each sitting 12 ml of shadbindu ghrita was poured into each nostril.
Result: Patient’s clinical status was assessed on 7th, 21st and 28th day. Remission of symptoms like sneezing, rhinorrhoea, nasal pruritus, nasal congestion, itching in the eyes, and palate was observed after first course of nasya and on 21st day. Complete remission of almost all symptoms was observed after 2 courses of treatment. Patient was followed up for 4 months and no recurrence of symptoms observed.
Conclusion: A case of vataja pratishyaya/allergic rhinitis outlines a clear history and resolution of symptoms and signs following 2 courses of shadbindu ghrita nasya for 7 days administered as per snehana nasya schedule is very effective in complete resolution of symptoms in vataja pratishyaya/allergic rhinitis.
How to cite this article:
Alva S, Acharya GS, Ashwini MJ. Efficacy of Shadbindu Ghrita Nasya (Nasal Medication) in Vataja Pratishyaya/Allergic Rhinitis: A Case Study. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo 2020; 7(3&4): 1-3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2394.6547.202005
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