Perception and Practice of People about Unani Medicine attending National Arogya Fair, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
AYUSH, Unani, Arogya FairAbstract
Background: Over the last few decades traditional medicine has gained worldwide acceptance. Awareness about Unani medicine has an important role in providing health education, prevention and management of diseases. However, literature search revealed that very few published data enlightening about Unani system of medicine are available. Objectives: To assess the perception, practice and the extent of use of Unani system of medicine among the general public attending National ‘Arogya Fair’ 2017 held in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional, observational descriptive survey was conducted using pretested, predesigned structured questionnaire to assess the perception and practice regarding Unani system of medicine of sample of 1149 visitors attending the free health clinic at Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM) stall in the National ‘Arogya Fair’ held in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh between September 8-11, 2017. Result: Out of 1149 subjects 60.05% were males and 39.95% were females with mean age 36.78±10.33 years ranged between 13 to 82 years of age. The awareness level about Unani system of medicine was good, 1016 (88.42%) respondents have heard or were aware of Unani system of medicine, of these respondents, only 480 (41.78%) respondents have taken Unani medicines in the past for various problems, 133 (11.58%) subjects had never heard about Unani system of medicine. Majority of the patients believed that Unani medicine had No side effect or Comparatively safer than others and 31.82% preferred Unani medicine to allopathic medicine. Conclusion: The awareness level regarding Unani medicine was good but the attitude toward and practice of Unani medicine was relatively low. There is a need and scope for health education and promotion to improve the attitude about Unani medicine.
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AYUSH Department [cited 15 June 2020]. Available from:
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