Shonitasthapana Varga Dravya – Phytochemical Screening-Based Pharmacological Analysis
Phytochemistry, Shonithasthapana, Pharmacology, Rakta, BloodAbstract
Introduction: The Dashemani vargas menti oned by Charaka and Vagbhata are based on the various karmas acquired by the drugs within the group. The Shonitasthapana varga includes Madhu, Madhuka, Kunkuma, Mocharasa, Mritkapala, Gairika, Lodhra, Priyangu, Sharkara, and Laja. Commentaries on the varga indicate the range of karmas like Raktavardana, Raktaprasadhana/ raktsamshodana and Raktasthambana. Phytochemical analysis of the dravyas will give a bett er cognisance of the pharmacological acti viti es of the drugs and their therapeutic uses.
Objectives: To conduct phytochemical screening and pharmacological analysis of shonitasthapana varga dravyas based on their phytoconstituents.
Method: A preliminary qualitati ve phytochemical screening was conducted on the drugs of shonitasthapana varga like Madhuka, Mocharasa, Kunkuma, Lodhra, and Priyangu to ascertain the presence of phytoconstituents and physicochemical analysis was conducted on madhu, mritkapala, gairika, Sharkara, and laja.
Results: The analysis revealed the presence of secondary metabolites like tannins, carbohydrates, proteins, fl avonoids, terpenoids, steroids and phenols in madhu, madhuka, Mocharasa, lodhra, Kunkuma, and priyangu. Physicochemical analysis revealed iron, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements in Mritkapala and laja, whereas iron was present in gairika. Protein was present in all the drugs except Mritkapala and gairika.
Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the chemical consti tuents, it can be inferred that the shonitasthapana varga dravyas exhibit varied pharmacological acti viti es, such as raktavardhana, raktaprasadana, or raktasthambana, depending on the individual drugs used within the group.
How to cite this article: Naveen V, Veena M S. Shonitasthapana Varga Dravya – Phytochemical Screening-Based Pharmacological Analysis. J Adv Res Ayur Yoga Unani Sidd Homeo. 2024;11(3&4): 12-19.
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