Effect of Lower Back Extensors Fatigue on Athletic Performance Measured as Agility
Paraspinal fatigue, Athletic performance, Lumbar extension isometric exercise.Abstract
Background: At high level of competition, sports require long periods of hard physical work. Each athlete should be able to perform desired actions efficiently, which will not be possible without coordinated activation of muscles in the kinetic chain. EMG studies demonstrate that lumbar paraspinal muscles fatigue is associated with Quadriceps Inhibition (QI), leading to speculation that these changes may not only have adverse effect for athletic performance but also increase the risk of injury in long term. This contrasts the evidence about the influence of fatigue on trunk muscles reflex activity. Method: 37 athletes (men) were recruited from city soccer clubs. The participants performed sub maximal isometric exercise of lower back extensors (Ito’s test) to induce fatigue. The two protocols were a single bout and repeated bouts of Lumbar Extension Isometric Exercise (LEIE). The Agility scores recorded at baseline, after single bout and after repeated bouts of LEIE were compared. Conclusion: The two experimental interventions differently affected the agility performance in the sample. On one hand, single bout intervention led to improved performance, repeat
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