Stacked Bi-directional LSTM Layer Based Model for Prediction of Possible Heart Disease during Lockdown Period of COVID-19
Bidirectional LSTM
Mental Anxiety, Cardiac Troubles, Stacked Bi-LSTM, RNN, Deep LearningAbstract
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) affects the walls of the arteries that
supply the myocardium. CVD is not a single disease. It is a cluster of
diseases and injuries that affect the cardiovascular system i.e. the heart
and blood vessels. Heart failure is concern in patients with COVID-19.
Alternately mental anxiety during lockdown period of COVID-19 may
increase CVD. For assisting health care system, an automated tool is
proposed in this paper that uses Reccurrent Neural Network (RNN).
A stacked bi-directional LSTM layer based model is proposed in this
paper that considers interfering factors from past health records while
detecting patients with cardiac problems. Experimental results have
indicated promising accuracy of 93.22% in predicting patients with
cardiac troubles.
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