An Overview of Information and Communication Technology Tools Application in Healthcare System
ICT, Healthcare, ApplicationAbstract
Information and communication technology (ICT) is improving the health care services throughout the world. In health care system, ICT involve application of information and communication processing using computer for storage, recovery, sharing and use of knowledge on uses of medicines and patient-centred services. Similarly, web-based system, e-prescription, automated dispensing system, mobile technology and innovations in ICT tools are giving a way to access the data in health care sector all over the world. In healthcare system, ICTs can enhance the qualities of services to dispense the medicines and to maintain the data on patients medication history and patients safety. With this information, this review article mainly focused on overview of ICT tools application in healthcare system.
How to cite this article:
Dineshkumar B, Krishnakumar K, Nair SK, Paul D. An Overview of Information and Communication Technology Tools Application in Healthcare System. J Adv Res Med Sci Tech 2019; 6(1&2): 15-17.
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