A Quasi-experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on the Level of Orientation to Mental Illness among Primary School Teachers
Introduction: Children constitute a substantial proportion of the world’s population. The future of our nation depends on the mental health of our children and adolescents. Most mental illnesses are identifiedlater in their chronic stage; early identification of such issues is the need of the hour.
Methodology: The research used before-after quasi-experimental design. The study population comprised 60 primary school teachers with basic teacher training qualifications, working in selected schools in Hassan, Karnataka. The 2 schools were randomly selected and the subjects were selected by non-probability purposive sampling method. Data were collected using the orientation to mental illness (OMI) scale. Pre and post-test (after the intervention) levels of knowledge on mental illness of the control and experimental groups were assessed using the OMI scale.
Result: In the pre-test in the experimental group, 93.3% of teachers had a poor level of OMI and 6.7% had a very poor level of OMI. In the control group, the pre-test showed that 3.3% of teachers had an average level of OMI, 90% had a poor level of OMI, and 6.7% had a very poor level of OMI. In the post-test followed by STP, 93.3% of participants in the experimental group showed a good level of OMI and 6.7% showed an average level of OMI while in the control group, 100% of participants had an average level of OMI.
Conclusion: The structured teaching programme is effective in refining the knowledge of primary teachers on mental illness.
How to cite this article:
Idicula B. A Quasi-experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching
Programme on the Level of Orientation to Mental Illness among Primary School Teachers. Int J HealthCare Edu & Med Inform. 2023;10(1&2):15-20.
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