Real-Life Cases in Student-Family Environment as a New Model for Case-Based Learning for Dental Students in Pathology: Students’ Perspective
Case-based learning, CBL, Real-Life Cases, Community, dental, Pathology, Active Learning, Online EducationAbstract
Background: Case-based learning is a widely accepted techniqueto promote critical thinking in health care students. This paper focuses on active learning through real life clinical cases as opposed to hypothetical cases in the dental academic curricula. The overall experience of the faculty as well as the students throughout the case assignment has been reported in this study.
Objective: This study provides a student’s perspective and insight into an innovative real-life case-based approach in online learning of pathology.
Material and Methods:A real-life case of hypertension, diabetes or both was assigned to the Bachelor of Dentistry students in their second academic year of Pathology. The case was then presented by the students, followed by an open discussion involving peers and faculty members. Students’ responses were obtained for the assignment.
Results:The response of students towards case assignment was promising and their feedback on each aspect of the assignment has been described. Faculty perception has also been included in order to share feedback about the students’ participation in the assignment from a faculty viewpoint.
Conclusion: The present study introduces an innovative teaching method in medical education which can be utilized in the online learning of pre-clinical subjects and even clinical subjects during adverse situations when patient exposure is less. The real-life casebased learning method discussed in this paper offers real potential in developing critical diagnostic skills in students under a realistic clinical environment.
DOI: 10.24321/2455.9199.202207
How to cite this article:
Shrivastava PK, Sybil D, Kumar N. Real-Life Cases in Student-Family Environment as a New Model for Case-Based Learning for Dental Students in Pathology: Students’ Perspective. Int J HealthCare Edu & Med Inform. 2022; 9(3&4): 16-22
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Copyright (c) 2022 Priyanshu Kumar Shrivastava, Deborah Sybil, Neeta Kumar

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.