ODeL Enabled Conceptual Model for Training Healthcare Functionaries for Managing Pandemics
Pandemic, ODeL, Capacity Development, Health CareAbstract
ealthcare scenario is radically changing at a fast pace. This change
is not only in the direction of newer investigative technologies and
management strategies, but also in trying to combat the newly emerging
and re-emerging diseases like Ebola, H1N1, COVID-19 and plague etc.
The health care functionaries are not geared to deal with this emergent
emergency situation, since their basic training lacked information
about these diseases and the management and containment at such
a massive scale. This paper reviews the evolving trends in providing
teaching, learning, and training through ODeL with special reference
to healthcare. It also reviews how ICTs are being used in sensitising
and training, healthcare functionaries for management of situations
like critical care, emerging disease outbreak etc. The different ODeL
models have been described in this paper. The features of web of things
and web of thoughts which may be an important component of the
future ODeL has been highlighted. A dynamic conceptual model for
training healthcare functionaries for managing pandemics has been
suggested, which will enable online training in competencies using
the latest technologies like personalised learning environments, the
internet of things, big data, and learning analytics etc. The content
and components of this model can be evolved with time and can be
customised as per the requirement. The provision of connecting the
trainees across geographical boundaries will enable them to remain
abreast with the latest changes and strategies and apply them after
improvising in their ground situations.
How to cite this article:
Kuba R, Dikshit J. ODeL Enabled Conceptual
Model for Training Healthcare Functionaries
For Managing Pandemics. Int J HealthCare Edu
& Med Inform. 2021; 8(4): 1-12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2455.9199.202106
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