Study of Various Skin Disorders in Children in Health Training Centres of Etawah District, Uttar Pradesh: A Cross-Sectional Study
Skin disorders, Children, Health-training CentresAbstract
Background: In India, we have varied social customs, religions, climate and socio-economic conditions and therefore the pattern of skin diseases varies from region to region. In children, dermatoses are an important health problem. Skin disease affects more than 300 million people per year worldwide, resulting in considerable morbidity, especially in resource-limited countries. In view of the paucity of data from Etawah the region in Uttar Pradesh, the present study was conducted to evaluate the pattern of skin diseases in health training centres of U.P.U.M.S medical college in Saifai region, Etawah district of Uttar Pradesh in India.
Aims and Objectives: To find out patterns of various skin disorders in children.
Material and Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study was carried out over a period of 4 months from 1 October 2019 to 31 January 2020 in OPD at the Urban health training centre (UHTC) after ethical approval from the institute on every Tuesday and Thursday in Uttar Pradesh in India.
Results: Pediculosis capitis (22.6%) was the most common dermatosis, followed by pyodermas (15.4%), pityriasis Alba (10.4%) and eczema (8.1%). Nutritional deficiency dermatoses (17.5%) were also common in this region [common manifestations included sparse hair (6.2%) and pigmented skin (7%).
Conclusion: The pattern of skin diseases mostly depends not only on environmental factors but also on the occupation, socio-economic status, literacy, and age of the patients. Health education of the parents and the school children about good nutrition, hygiene practices, and proper hydration of the skin can be promoted in order to reduce the burden of skin disorders.
How to cite this article:
Soni K, Kumar V, Prajapati AK, Bharti RK, Jain PK, Singh NP. Study of Various Skin Disorders in Children in Health Training Centres of Etawah District, Uttar Pradesh: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J HealthCare Edu & Med Inform. 2022; 9(1&2): 20-23.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kanchan Soni, Vineet Kumar, Rakesh kumar bharti, Ajay Prajapti, Pankaj Kumar Jain, Naresh Pal Singh

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