Analysis of Port Site Complications & Measures to Prevent them
Background: Port site complications following elective laparoscopic surgeries are rare. Port site infection is the most common complication.
Objectives: The study was conducted to analyze port site complications occurring in the patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries and measures to prevent them.
Patients and Methods: Total 408 patients who underwent various laparoscopic surgeries were included in the study. Follow up was done for 3 months postoperatively. Port site was examined for any complication.
Result: Out of 408 patients 24 patients (5.88%) developed port site complications. 14 patients developed post site infection, 4 patients had port site discharge with sinus formation, 4 patients developed port site bleeding and 2 patients had port site hernia. No case of port site metastasis or visceral injury while port insertion were found. No patient had port site omental entrapment.
Conclusion: Minimally invasive surgery is a safe and effective with minimal complication.
How to cite this article:
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