Analysing the Effect of FIFA 11+ Programme for Improving Agility and Explosive Strength among Football Players
Introduction: Football is a dynamic game, which involves numerous injuries. The FIFA 11+ programme was developed by FIFA (International Federation of Association Football) for the better performance and injury prevention of elite athletes. This study aims to analyse how this specific protocol influences the preventi on of injury by assessing the indirect correlation of agility and explosive strength on injury prevention.
Materials And Method: Thirty subjects were included in this research work and were divided into the Experimental and Control groups. The total study duration was 8 weeks. The FIFA 11+ programme was given to the Experimental group and regular training was given to the Control group. Pre- and post-test evaluations were done on the variables of agility and explosive strength with agility t test and vertical jump test.
Results: Experimental group showed better clinical significance than
Control Group for agility and explosive strength with t values of 5.4 and 5.7, respectively (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: The FIFA 11+ programme was helpful in preventing injuries
and improving performance among collegiate football players.
How to cite this article:
Nagaraj S, Vimal C B, Sivagnanam D, Manoharlal M. Analysing the Eff ect of FIFA 11+ Programme for Improving Agility and Explosive Strength
among Football Players. Int. J. HealthCare Edu. & Med. Inform. 2024;11(1&2):1-3
DOI: htt ps://
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Copyright (c) 2024 Suryaprakash Nagaraj , Vimal CB, Devibalan Sivagnanam, Manoj Abraham Manoharlal

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