International Journal of Preventive Cardiology International Journal of Preventive Cardiology (IJoPC) is a peer-reviewed and an open access journal covering recent studies/ researches happening globally in preventive cardiology, playing a pivotal role in reducing the global burden of cardiovascular disease. IJoPC addresses the causes and prevention of cardiovascular disease, as well as cardiovascular rehabilitation and exercise physiology. 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Atypical symptoms and misconceptions about heart <br />attacks in this group hinder timely diagnosis and intervention.<br />Method: This review examines the prevalence, risk factors, symptoms, misconceptions, and misdiagnoses of heart attacks in young adults. A comprehensive literature search was conducted, including studies on trends, contributing factors, common symptoms, and diagnostic challenges. Data synthesis involved analyzing findings from selected <br />studies to identify key themes and recommendations.<br />Results: The review highlights a rise in heart attacks among young adults, with lifestyle-related risk factors playing a significant role. Symptoms may differ from those in older individuals, leading to misdiagnosis or <br />delayed treatment. Misconceptions, such as the belief that heart attacks only occur in older individuals, contribute to underrecognition and mismanagement. Common misdiagnoses include attributing symptoms to anxiety, musculoskeletal issues, or gastrointestinal problems.<br />Conclusions: Heart attacks in young adults represent a growing public health challenge, necessitating increased awareness, early detection, and appropriate management. Addressing misconceptions and improving <br />diagnostic accuracy are crucial for timely intervention and reducing the burden of heart disease in this population. Healthcare providers play a vital role in recognizing the unique challenges and implementing <br />preventive measures to mitigate risk factors.</p> <p>How to cite this article: <br />Deep U, Mala S, Mala E. Heart Attacks in Young Adults: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Misconceptions. Int J Preven Cardio 2024;4(2):1-8.</p> <p> </p> Shaveta Mala, Upasna Deep , Ekta Mala Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Preventive Cardiology Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000