How to use Safely COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients on Anticoagulants or Antiaggregants
Dear editor,
The current pandemic affected the lives of billions of individuals. The correlation between COVID-19 and cardiovascular diseases has also been documented in clinical studies. This is especially valid for patients with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions who are more prone to severe COVID-19, poorer outcomes, and elevated risk of hospitalizations and death.1 COVID-19 itself can also cause cardiac damage with the respective manifestations mainly affecting pericardium/ myocardium, as well as vascular damage (arterial and venous), primarily causing endothelial dysfunction. The latter is observed not only in the pulmonary circulation but also in other organs. Cardiac and vascular damage are associated with various well-observed and established complications. In line with this, COVID-19 vaccines are strongly recommended to patients with Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs).
How to cite this article:
Velikov T, Keremidchiev G, Velikova T. How to use Safely COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients on Anticoagulants or Antiaggregants. Int J Preven Cardio 2021; 1(1): 32-33.
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COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a. Ref: PHE gateway number 2020300. Last access on 28/01/2021 at
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