Myocardial Injury after Non-Cardiac Surgery and Its Correlation with Mortality - A Brief Review on Its Scenario till 2020
From various studies documented/ published, myocardial injury following noncardiac surgery is the youngest entity claiming mortality of 3 to 10 percent. Among cardiac complications, Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is one of the common cause. Diagnosis is based on the perioperative 4th generation Troponin-T and 2 or 3 days after the procedure. Its rise is associated with poor prognosis. Many of the issues of pathophysiology still have to be addressed against Myocardial Injury in a Non-cardiac Surgery (MINS). Several investigations report mechanisms of MINS but sill more studies are required to establish strategies to preclude MINS and manage patients with this diagnosis in order to mitigate such mortalities. This manuscript aims to increase awareness about MINS as it is observed that MINS frequently appears in clinical practise and typically prevails in older patients with cardiovascular disease, so clinicians should be sensitized for this consequential complication.
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