Progesterone Treatment on Prefrotal Cortical Demyelination in Experimental Diabetes-induced Brain Injury
Myelination, Progesterone, Prefrontal cortex, StreptozotocinAbstract
Introduction: Clinical studies have been looking for an easy way to solve neurodegenerative diseases and testing of whether effect of progesterone can ameliorate the neurodegenerative effect caused by an induce streptozotocin.
Methods: Animals were randomly grouped into six (6) groups of eight (8) adult wistar rats each: Group CTR, Group LDP, Group HDP, Group STZ, Group STZ + LDP, and Group STZ + HDP. Progesterone was administered daily for seven days after hyperglycaemia is confirmed in groups (STZ + LDP and STZ + HDP), likewise administration of progesterone only is for seven (7) days in groups (LDP and HDP) and the doses of progesterone administration varies, low doses of 4 mg/kg/b.w/day to groups (LDP and STZ + LDP) and high doses of 8 mg/kg/b.w/day to groups (HDP and STZ + HDP), while groups (CTR and STZ) received none.
Results: Consumption of water and food in each group show an effect on the serum glucose, via an increase in body weight of diabetic animals in comparison with control rat’s body weight which decreases. At the end of the experiment (18 weeks) the rats are sacrifice and microscopic study of neurotrophic and neuroprotective of rats, prefrontal cortex tissue sampling shows that cells in the molecular layer of the induce-hyperglycaemia groups rats (STZ, STZ + LDP & STZ + HDP) are reduced and the cortical layer are wider and contain fewer cells compared to the non-induced hyperglycaemia groups rats (CTR, LDP & HDP) that has thiner cortical layers and Loss of myelin sheath in the groups (STZ, LDP and STZ + LDP) in contrast to groups (CTR and STZ + HDP).
Conclusion: Involvement of myelinated axons in the morphologic impairment induced by an untreated hyperglycaemic state, an evident in the study, therefore doses of progesterone have an effect on the myelination of axon.
Keywords: Myelination, Progesterone, Prefrontal cortex, Streptozotocin
How to cite this article:
Adebola AO. Progesterone Treatment on Prefrotal Cortical Demyelination in Experimental Diabetes Induced Brain Injury. Int J Adv Res Gynaecol Obstet. 2023;1(1):26-33.
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