Awareness regarding Cervical Cancer among Married Women
Awareness, Cervical cancer, WomenAbstract
Background: Cervical cancer is a cause of significant disease worldwide. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the cause of Cancer cervix in 100% cases. Effective intervention to prevent HPV associated diseases can therefore prevent cervical cancers and genital warts. Cervical cancer can be achieved by increasing the knowledge of the general population, especially at the rural setup as a cervical cancer is undiagnosed up to later stage and changing the attitude of women in related to cervical cancer.
Objective: The present study aimed to assess the existing awareness regarding cervical cancer among married women.
Methods: This was a descriptive survey method conducted among the married women residing at selected rural areas of Ahmadabad district. A sample size of 200 was calculated. Probability multi-stage sampling technique through systemic random sampling technique was used for selecting 200 samples by dichotomous structured questionnaire.
Results: Total mean score was 11.40 and mean percentage was 38.01%. Major finding of the study was 115 (57.5%) samples had poor level of awareness, 73 (36.5%) samples had average level of awareness, while 12 (6%) samples had good level of awareness regarding cervical cancer.
Conclusion: The Study concluded that community staff nurse should make the awareness to the rural women regarding cervical cancer and encourage for do pap smear test and for the making of aware to the rural women regarding cervical cancer health education programme
were effective.
How to cite this article:
Moses K, Karthika P, Patel N. Awareness Regarding Cervical Cancer among Married Women. Int J Adv Res Gynaecol Obstet. 2023;1(1):15-19.
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