Characterization of Bacterial Isolates found in Breeding Habitats of Mosquitoes in Dehradun City, Uttarakhand


  • Ritwik Mondal Department of Zoology, D.B.S. (P.G.) College, Dehradun-248001.
  • N Pemola Devi Department of Zoology, D.B.S. (P.G.) College, Dehradun – 248 001
  • R K Jauhari Department of Zoology, D.A.V. (P.G.) College, Dehradun-248001.


The breeding habitat is crucial for mosquito population dynamics, since it is the location where many
important life cycle processes occur such as oviposition, larval development, and emergence take place. The
present study mainly aimed to characterize microbial bacteria from the breeding habitats of mosquitoes
in Dehradun city. The water sample was collected from mosquito breeding habitats of Dehradun during
June to October 2013. For the characterization growth, morphology, staining properties, physiological,
biochemical and antibiotic sensitivity test were conducted. Morphologically the isolates are sticky round
and of diameter range of 4.1-6.1 mm. Gram staining showed isolates were gram positive and categorized as
rod shaped in SEM. Isolates exhibited no growth on Mac’Conkey and EMB agar media. NaCl tolerance was
found ? 6% and pH tolerance in the range of 5.5-7.7. Among the four bacterial isolates, all of them were
positive for catalase test and starch hydrolysis test; and negative for citrate, indole and lipase hydrolysis
test. R1 and R2 isolates were positive for nitrate test. Only R4 bacterial isolate showed positive result for
urease test. R1 and R4 isolates showed positive result for oxidase test and R2 and R3 were negative for this
test. All of the isolates produced both acid and gas utilizing glucose, sucrose and lactose as a carbohydrate
source. R1 produced both acid and gas and R3 produced only acid but no gas from mannose in the medium.
R1 isolate was found sensitive for chloramphenicol and tetracycline. R2 showed sensitivity against all the
antibiotics used for this assay. R3 and R4 were sensitive to chloramphenicol and tetracycline, and thus
characterized as Bacillus sp. All these four bacterial isolates (R1, R2, R3 and R4) were present in almost all
the breeding grounds of mosquitoes in the study area which reflected that these bacteria must have some
role in the oviposition and larval development of mosquitoes.


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