An Overview to Candidiasis - A Candida Infection
Candidiasis, Candida, Treatment, ClassificationAbstract
Microbes are basically very small living things that human eye is not capable to see but are only visible under a microscope. Candida is a fungal contamination in body as it is a type of yeast. Candidiasis is entitled as the yeast contagion, due to the infecting agent a yeast, Candida. Candida albicans are the pathogens that are of much significance which are present everywhere and mostly reside along side plentiful bacteria near mouth, gastrointestinal tract and vagina. Wilkinson was the first person to describe candidiasis in 1849. Candidiasis of the mouth is termed as Thrush. Those areas of the skin where there is very less ventilation and are uncommonly wet develop infection of the skin called Cutaneous candidiasis. When Fungi invades inside the body, enters the blood stream and spreads everywhere inside it is called deep Candidiasis. Treatment methodology are different for each case. Natural prevention is mandatory to safe yourself from being a victim to disease.
How to cite this article:
Qadir MI, Asif H. An Overview to Candidiasis - A Candida infection. Int J Adv Res Micro Biol Immunol 2019; 2(1): 31-33.
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