Systematic Review on the Role of a Clinical Pharmacist In Patient Management According to the Pharmaceutical Care Concept


  • Prashant Singh NIMS Institute of Pharmacy, NIMS University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.
  • Shobhit Raj NIMS Institute of Pharmacy, NIMS University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.
  • Zahra Chegini Department of Health Services Management, Faculty of Management and Medical Informatics, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.


Aim: To draw attention towards the role of clinical pharmacists in patient management according to the pharmaceutical care concept in Indian scenario.
Evidence Acquisition: Several online databases like Scopus, web of science, PubMed, Google Scholar,ResearchGate and E-library of NIMS University were searched from January, 2010 to December, 2019.
Data Extraction: Studies, in accordance with the roleplay of clinical pharmacist i.e. articles discussing role of clinical pharmacist and implying upon the importance of clinical pharmacy services in patient management according to the pharmaceutical care concept in India
or even elsewhere. This search identified 35 articles that meet the aforementioned criteria.
Results: 35 articles were studied including articles that established need of pharmaceutical care in patient management and drug information centers (n = 4); detection and managing the adverse drug reactionsADRs (n = 4), developing drug utilization pattern (n = 14), detection
and managing the medication errors (n = 9), and other miscellaneous clinical pharmacist services (n = 4). Most of these were related to the aforementioned. Few reviews were added related to origin of pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacy as well as pharmaceutical care in India.
Conclusion: Data of this review suggests the necessity of clinical pharmacists in the healthcare sector in India as there is a dire need of Drug Therapy Monitoring, better Patient Counselling services, improvement in Medication Adherence and ADR Monitoring in Indian
healthcare system.

How to cite this article: Singh P, Raj S, Chegini Z. Systematic Review on the Role of a Clinical Pharmacist in Patient Management According to the Pharmaceutical Care Concept. Int J Adv Res Pharm Edu 2019; 1(1): 15-21.


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