Evolving Role of Technology in Pharmacy Education
Pharmacy Education, Learning Styles, Traditional Passive Learning, Self-AssessmentAbstract
In recent years, the field of pharmacy education has witnessed a significant transformation due to rapid advancements in technology. This review article delves into the evolving role of technology in pharmacy education, discussing its various applications, benefits, challenges, and implications for educators and learners. From traditional didactic teaching methods to immersive virtual experiences, technology has revolutionized how pharmacy education is delivered. The integration of technology has not only enhanced pedagogical strategies but also fostered active learning and critical thinking among students. However, this transition is not without its hurdles, including access disparities and the need for faculty development.
How to cite this article:
Yadav N, Kumar V, Tyagi P. Evolving Role of
Technology in Pharmacy Education. Int J Adv
Res Pharm Edu 2023; 5(1): 7-10.
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