Detection of Jatropha Mosaic Indian Virus (JMIV) on Jatropha Plant (Jatropha Curcas)
Core Coat Protein, Polymerase Chain Reaction, JMIV, Ultra Violet LightAbstract
Jatropha plant is a major crop for biofuel production in countries such as India. The recent increase in the cultivation of Jatropha has resulted in the manifestation of pest and disease attacks on the crop, including jatropha mosaic Indian virus (JMIV) which is a member of the genus Begomovirus (family Geminiviridae). Jatropha leaves were collected from Bangalore, South India showing mosaic symptoms, malformation of leaves and chloric specks. Total DNA was extracted from infected leaves and the extracted DNA was subjected to PCR to amplify JMIV DNA using degenerate primers and subsequently with begomovirus- specific primers for both the DNA-A (JMIV-A 970F and JMIV-A 970R) and DNA-B (JMIV-B 970F and JMIV-B 970R). The PCR products obtained with degerate primers were ~ 530bp which further confirmed the association of a begomovirus with jatropha. Furthermore, PCR products in the amplification of both full-length DNA-A and DNA-B components of JMIV were successful for the first time which produces ~ 2.8 kb on both the genome.
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