Mizaj-E-Advia (Temperament of Drugs) in Unani System of Medicine: A Review
Mizaj-e-advia, Temperament, Unani systemAbstract
Mizaj (Temperament) is one of the main basic fundamental principles of Ilmul-Advia (Unani Pharmacology). The concept of Mizaj-e-advia (Temperament of drugs) in Unani medicine is unique in its own way of describing the properties of drug substance. Mizaj-e-advia is a broad concept, which describes the pharmacological properties of crude drugs derived from plant, animal and mineral sources. Temperament is associated quality of heat, cold, moisture and dryness. There exists a concept that all the three natural sources of drugs (Mawaleed-e-salasa) possess four qualities in different proportions, i.e. Hararat (heat), Burudat (cold), Yabusat (dryness) and Rutubat (moisture); and a new Mizaj is formed by their interaction. This paper is an attempt to understood the concept of Mizaj-e-advia in the context of Unani Medicine.
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