Bronchial Oncocytoma - A Case Report
Oncocytoma, Kidney, Thyroid, PET-CT scan, Mitochondrioma, Salivary Gland, Eosinophilic Cells, AdenohypophysisAbstract
Oncocytoma is an uncommon benign tumor found at sites such as
salivary glands, kidneys and thyroid. It’s occurrence in bronchus is
rare. The incidence of oncocytoma is higher in males as compared to
females. A 34-year-old male patient with a nodule in the right upper
lobe was found to be a case of oncocytoma on endobronchial biopsy
How to cite this article:
Solanki M, Singhal P, Gupta S, Garg PK. Bronchial
Oncocytoma - A Case Report. Rec Adv Path Lab
Med. 2021;7(3&4):7-9
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