Non-formal Online Teaching: A Way Out for Next Generation
Lectures, Informal teaching, Text booksAbstract
Introduction: Human physiology is the science of mechanical, physical & biochemical functioning of human beings, which lays the foundations of good clinical practice; it is also an important core component of medical education. Therefore, there is a great need to improve physiology teaching.
Methods: First-year BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) students (n=50) in the Human Physiology course volunteered to be a part of the experimental group. For the first four weeks, students were free to use standard textbooks for the topics covered. They were also given lectures on powerpoint by the course instructors. In the fifth week, they were asked to assess only the internet for selected physiology topics. As soon as they completed the online study, they were asked to fill out the questionnaire.
Results: Our results indicated that the students liked exploring the internet. It made learning more interesting and improved my understanding of the concepts. However, the students also insisted on the importance of the information available in the textbooks.
Conclusion: The aim of our study was to dissociate the learning process from the textbooks. From the response of the students, it can be concluded that the digital learning and textbooks will complement each other.
How to cite this article:
Saini N. Non-formal Online Teaching: A Way Out for Next Generation. Rec Adv Path Lab Med 2020; 6(3&4): 1-5.
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