Data Analysis of PSA Levels and Age-Wise Distribution of Various Lesions Histopathological Corelation
PSA Level, Various age Groups, Histopathology reports, Prostate BiopsyAbstract
Introduction: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels are difficult to interpret in all age groups, although they are used for assessing the response to prostate cancer treatment and as a screening tool for prostate cancer detection. A number of benign conditions such as Benign Prostatic hyperplastic hyperplasia and prostatitis might lead to elevated serum PSA concentrations. PSA levels lack specificity for prostate cancer detection. A biopsy is a diagnostic tool for prostate disease. The distribution of various lesions from benign to malignant varies with the different age groups.
Methods: This retrospective study was conducted for a period of one year from 01 Jan 2021 to 31 December 2021 in Smt. R.R.B. Pathology Laboratory of Dr Hedgewar Hospital, which is a tertiary care hospital in Aurangabad.
Result and Conclusion: Analysis of data suggests that the PSA level lacks specificity for prostate cancer detection. A single reading of the PSA level is not diagnostic.
How to cite this article:
Vaishnav S, Patwadkar R, Patil S, Gatlewar S, Gaikwad P. Data Analysis of PSA Levels and Age-Wise Distribution of Various Lesions Histopathological Corelation. Rec Adv Path Lab Med. 2022;8(1&2):1-3.
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