Morphometric Study of Human Occipital Condyles in Reference to Condylar Resection during Transcondylar Approach


  • Sachin Patil Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, ANIIMS, Port Blair, A&N Islands.
  • Dharmendra Kumar Associate Professor & Head, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, ANIIMS, Port Blair, A&N Islands.


Foramen Magnum, Morphometry, Occipital Condyles


Introduction: Knowledge of the anatomy of occipital condyles is very useful for the surgeon during condylar drilling to avoid injury to neural structures.

Material and Methods: This study was conducted on occipital condyles in 100 dried human skulls of unknown age and sex. The morphometric analysis was performed for the length, width, height, anterior intercondylar distance and posterior intercondylar distance of occipital condyles on both sides.

Results: The mean values were found to be 24.6 mm (right) and 22.65 mm (left) for the length, 12.48 mm (right) and 13.32 mm (left) for the width and 9.37 mm (right) and 9.49 mm (left) for the height. The mean anterior and posterior intercondylar distances were found to be 21.48 mm and 42.3 mm respectively.

Conclusion: The knowledge of morphometric parameters can be used for the planning of the extent of condylar resection during transcondylar approach without damaging the neurological structures.


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