Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Attitude regarding Selected Psychiatric Emergencies
Assess, Staff Nurse, Psychiatric EmergencyAbstract
Background: Up to 5% to 10% of seemingly normal school children have
hidden disabilities in India. School children spend their more time with
their respective school teachers. Teachers’ have a significant role in the
scenario. Hence, the study was done to assess effectiveness of planned
teaching programme on knowledge of teachers.
Methods: The methodology used in the present study is a preexperimental
approach. A one group pretest and post test research
design was used with objectives. The study was carried among 60
primary school teachers in St. Mary Champion H.S. School, Indore, MP,
India in April 2018. The researcher used self-structured questionnaire as
tool for assessment of knowledge regarding selected learning disabilities.
Content validity of tool was ensured by verifying it with the expert. Data
collection was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: The results reveal that in the pretest, 14 (23.3%) school teachers
obtained inadequate grade, while 46 (76.7%) school teachers obtained
moderately adequate grade. In the posttest, 2 (3.3%) school teachers
obtained moderately adequate grade, while the rest 58 (96.7%) obtained
adequate knowledge grade. The pretest knowledge score was 13.15,
while the posttest knowledge score was 24.83. The difference was found
to be statistically significant (‘t’ value = -21.524, df=59, p value = 0.001,
Significant), showing a higher posttest knowledge score in comparison
to the pretest knowledge score.
How to cite this article:
Kumari K. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching
Programme on Knowledge and Attitude regarding
Selected Psychiatric Emergencies. Trends Nurs
Adm Edu 2019; 8(2): 6-12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/2348.2141.201906
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