Carbon Monoxide Toxicity and its Management: A Review
Carbon monoxide (CO) is emitted by incomplete ignition of carbonaceous substance. It is a tasteless, odorless and colorless gas, and victims are typically turned into comatose before they realize they are being poisoned. Clinical appearance in patients with CO poisoning starts from headache and dizziness to coma and death. The results of CO poisoning on humans are not always same, and healthcare professionals are just beginning to understand these effects better. CO is the most abundant toxin in the lower environment. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can notablylessen the morbidity of CO poisoning, but a portion of survivors still suffer noteworthy long-term neurologic and affective squeals.
How to cite this article: Ahmed S, Kumar S. Carbon Monoxide Toxicity and its Management: A Review. Int J Adv Res Med Chem 2020; 2(1): 11-19.
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