Anti-Ulcer Activity of Methanolic Extract of Lagenaria Siceraria: A Review
Lagenaria siceraria, Anti-ulcer, Methanolic ExtractAbstract
Lagenaria siceraria, commonly known as bottle gourd, has been traditionally used in various cultures for its medicinal properties. One of its notable therapeutic potentials is its anti-ulcer activity, which has gained attention in recent research. This review aims to comprehensively analyze the scientific literature on the anti-ulcer properties of methanolic extracts derived from L. siceraria. It discusses the phytochemical composition, mechanisms of action, experimental models used for evaluation, and the overall therapeutic potential of L. siceraria in ulcer management.
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Pikhwal S , Tyagi G. Anti-Ulcer Activity of
Methanolic Extract of Lagenaria Siceraria: A
Review. JAdv Res in medc che 2024; 6(1): 16-20.
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